PowerShell function to find the square of a number: PowerShell function to find the square of a number: powershell powershell

PowerShell function to find the square of a number:

In addition to the Alistair's answer about converting, the string returned by Read-Host to int, you might want to use the Math library to square the value.

Sample Code

function Get-Square([int] $value){    $result = [Math]::Pow($value,2)    return $result}$value = Read-Host 'Enter a value'$result = Get-Square $valueWrite-Output "$value * $value = $result"


Enter a value: 4
4 * 4 = 16

It seems that Read-Host is returning a string, and a string times any value in powershell, results in string repeated value times. You need to make powershell treat $value as an integer. Try this:

function Get-Square([int]$value){    $result = $value * $value    return $result}$value = Read-Host 'Enter a value'$result = Get-Square $valueWrite-Output "$value * $value = $result"

It is like "4" * "4", and PowerShell converts the second "4" to int, so it returns "4444".

4 * 4 = 16"4" * "4" = "4444""4" * 4 = "4444"4 * "4" = 16