PowerShell module - separate file for each cmdlet PowerShell module - separate file for each cmdlet powershell powershell

PowerShell module - separate file for each cmdlet

You could also use a manifest file. "A module manifest is a .psd1 file that contains a hash table. The keys and values in the hash table do the following things:

  • Describe the contents and attributes of the module.
  • Define the prerequisites
  • Determine how the components are processed.

Manifests are not required for a module. Modules can reference script files (.ps1), script module files (.psm1), manifest files (.psd1), formatting and type files (.ps1xml), cmdlet and provider assemblies (.dll), resource files, Help files, localization files, or any other type of file or resource that is bundled as part of the module. For an internationalized script, the module folder also contains a set of message catalog files. If you add a manifest file to the module folder, you can reference the multiple files as a single unit by referencing the manifest." (Source)

So you can use ps1 files instead of psm1 files directly from psd1 files:

# Modules to import as nested modules of the module specified in RootModule/ModuleToProcess NestedModules = 'Get-WUList.ps1','Add-WUOfflineSync.ps1'# Functions to export from this module FunctionsToExport = 'Get-WUList','Add-WUOfflineSync'

Following up on @MatthewLowe - I've made my .psm1 a "one liner" as follows; this seems to work, provided that none of the scriptlets depend on one whose name is alphabetically after itself:

Get-ChildItem -Path $psScriptRoot\*.ps1 | ForEach-Object { . $_.fullname; Export-ModuleMember -Function ([IO.PATH]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($_.fullname)) }

Just posting this answer which I found as I was actually wrinting question itself :-). I downloaded few PowerShell modules from internet and looked inside, I found answer there. But since I got stuck on this for few hours (new to powershell ;-)), I decide to post this anyway, for future generations :-P.

You can put your cmdlets (*.ps1 files) EACH into separate file. Store them inside your module directory and create *.psm1 file. Then, dot-source your *.ps1 cmdlets/functions into this *.psm1.

However, reference to current module directory where your *.ps1 files are stored must be provided like this
". $psScriptRoot/moduleFunc1.ps1" AND NOT LIKE ". ./moduleFunc1.ps1"
