Powershell - Outputting .txt data to CSV Powershell - Outputting .txt data to CSV powershell powershell

Powershell - Outputting .txt data to CSV

I used a different approach,

  • splitting the file into sections delimited with the dash line and
  • 3 different RegExes using named (capture groups) to grep the properties of each line type.
    The first on RegEx101.com
  • all found properties are stored in an intermediate $Row object and if all RegEx matched gathered in $Csv

## Q:\Test\2018\07\06\SO_51209341.ps1$FileIn   = '.\SO_51209341_data.txt'$TodayCsv = '.\SO_51209341_data.csv'$RE1 = [RegEx]'(?m)(?<Date>\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{2}) (?<Time>\d{4}) +(?<Terminal>A\d{3}) +(?<User>C[A-Z0-9]+) +(?<Enquirer>.*)$'$RE2 = [RegEx]'\s+SEARCH REF\s+NAME : (?<Enquiry>.+?) (PAGE|CHAPTER) CODE ='$RE3 = [RegEx]'\s+DATE OF BIRTH : (?<DOB>[0-9 /]+?/\d{4})'$Sections = (Get-Content $FileIn -Raw) -split "={30,}`r?`n" -ne ''$Csv = ForEach($Section in $Sections){    $Row= @{} | Select-Object Date,Time,Terminal,User,Enquirer,Enquiry,DOB    $Cnt = 0    If ($Section -match $RE1){++$Cnt        $Row.Date     = $Matches.Date        $Row.Time     = $Matches.Time        $Row.Terminal = $Matches.Terminal        $Row.User     = $Matches.User        $Row.Enquirer = $Matches.Enquirer.Trim()    }    If ($Section -match $RE2){++$Cnt        $Row.Enquiry  = $Matches.Enquiry    }    If ($Section -match $RE3){++$Cnt        $Row.DOB      = $Matches.DOB    }    if ($Cnt -eq 3){$Row}}$csv | Format-Table$csv | Export-Csv $Todaycsv -NoTypeInformation

Sample output revised version

> . Q:\Test\2018\07\06\SO_51209341.ps1Date     Time Terminal User    Enquirer                      Enquiry           DOB----     ---- -------- ----    --------                      -------           ---29/05/17 1227 A999     CA75849 8875849 OCBA NCPS RBC/12/1960 DOE/JOHN            /  /198829/05/17 1424 A999     CA75849 8875849 OCBA NCPS RBC/60/2111 SMITH/SIMON/PETER   /  /1967

The problem here is that you need to convert objects to string before exporting.

To make your code working you can slightly modify object creation:

$csv = @()for ($i = 0;$i -lt $Date.Length; $i++) {$obj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject   Add-Member -InputObject $obj -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Date"  -Value $Date[$i]  Add-Member -InputObject $obj -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Time"  -Value $Time[$i]  Add-Member -InputObject $obj -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Terminal"  -value $Terminal[$i]  Add-Member -InputObject $obj -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Enquirer"  -value $Enquirer[$i]  Add-Member -InputObject $obj -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Enquiry"  -value $Enquiry[$i]  Add-Member -InputObject $obj -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "DOB"  -value $DOB[$i]  $csv += $obj}


The issue here is that you try to make a object of arrays while you should create array of objects. That's why when exporting you got System.Object[] instead of expected value.

Note: take a look at the code you pasted here and file format. This line:

$TopLine = $XmlDocument | Select-String "A1" 

should be

$TopLine = $XmlDocument | Select-String "A999"