Powershell piping an array of strings to ConvertTo-Html Powershell piping an array of strings to ConvertTo-Html powershell powershell

Powershell piping an array of strings to ConvertTo-Html

Try the following:

$servers= 'GT544', 'HT54765', 'J4356', 'SW5654', 'JY67432'$servers | ConvertTo-Html -Property @{ l='Name'; e={ $_ } }

Note: As EBGreen observes, the $servers variable shouldn't be type-constrained as [string] $servers = ..., because that converts the array of strings to a single string. There is no strict need to type-constrain in this case, but you could use [string[]] $servers = ...

ConvertTo-Html by default enumerates all properties of the input objects, and in the case of [string] instances that is only the .Length property.

Therefore you need to use a calculated property that wraps your strings, which is what
@{ l='Name'; e={ $_ } } does; the l entry gives your property a name (will be used in the table header), and e entry defines its value via a script block ({ ... }), which in this case is simply the input string itself ($_).

For more on calculated properties, see this answer of mine, but note that ConvertTo-Html curiously only supports the l / label key for naming the property (not also n / name).
Also, passing calculated properties is currently broken altogether in PowerShell Core, as of v6.1.0-preview.2

The above yields:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"  "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><title>HTML TABLE</title></head><body><table><colgroup><col/></colgroup><tr><th>Name</th></tr><tr><td>GT544</td></tr><tr><td>HT54765</td></tr><tr><td>J4356</td></tr><tr><td>SW5654</td></tr><tr><td>JY67432</td></tr></table></body></html>

To put it all together:

$servers = 'GT544', 'HT54765', 'J4356', 'SW5654', 'JY67432'$file = "C:\Users\karljoey.chami\Desktop\Htmltesting\Result.html"$servers | ConvertTo-Html -Property @{ l='Name'; e={ $_ } } -Title "Servers in a table" `  -CssUri "C:\Users\karljoey.chami\Desktop\Htmltesting\Red.css" `  -pre "<h>The servers are</h>" | Out-file $file  Invoke-Item $file