Powershell Round Up Function Powershell Round Up Function powershell powershell

Powershell Round Up Function

This is handled easily by the ceiling and floor methods of the math class.


$a = 657$b = 234$a/$b[math]::floor($a/$b)[math]::ceiling($a/$b)



If you want to round to two decimal places, multiply by 100 before using floor/ceiling then divide the result by 100.

I find that you are rarely going to be the last person to edit a PowerShell script, and keeping them simple is key to not getting an e-mail a year later wondering what you were doing with a complex transformation in a script that no longer works.

Just add 0.005 before rounding:

$value = 178.532033Write-Output = ([Math]::Round($value + 0.005, 2))

This takes the interval [1.000, 1.010) to [1.005, 1.015). All the values in the first interval ROUNDUP(2) to 1.01, and all the values in the second interval ROUND(2) to 1.01.

In general, if rounding to k places after the decimal, add 0.5/10^k to round up, or subtract that to round down, by rounding the result normally.


$a = 9;$b = 5;[math]::truncate($a/$b)


$a = 9;$b = 5;if ( ($a % $b) -eq 0 ){  $a/$b}else {  [math]::truncate($a/$b)+1}