PowerShell The term is not recognized as cmdlet function script file or operable program PowerShell The term is not recognized as cmdlet function script file or operable program powershell powershell

PowerShell The term is not recognized as cmdlet function script file or operable program

You first have to 'dot' source the script, so for you :

. .\Get-NetworkStatistics.ps1

The first 'dot' asks PowerShell to load the script file into your PowerShell environment, not to start it. You should also use set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted or set-ExecutionPolicy AllSigned see(the Execution Policy instructions).

For the benefit of searchers, there is another way you can produce this error message - by missing the $ off the script block name when calling it.

e.g. I had a script block like so:

$qa = {    param($question, $answer)    Write-Host "Question = $question, Answer = $answer"}

I tried calling it using:

&qa -question "Do you like powershell?" -answer "Yes!"

But that errored. The correct way was:

&$qa -question "Do you like powershell?" -answer "Yes!"

Yet another way this error message can occur...

If PowerShell is open in a directory other than the target file, e.g.:

If someScript.ps1 is located here: C:\SlowLearner\some_missing_path\someScript.ps1, then C:\SlowLearner>. ./someScript.ps1 wont work.

In that case, navigate to the path: cd some_missing_path then this would work:

C:\SlowLearner\some_missing_path>. ./someScript.ps1