PowerShell Using **DacServices** With SQLCMD Variables To Deploy A DACPAC PowerShell Using **DacServices** With SQLCMD Variables To Deploy A DACPAC powershell powershell

PowerShell Using **DacServices** With SQLCMD Variables To Deploy A DACPAC

You should set options in the $deployOptions.SqlCommandVariableValues property. This is an updateabase Dictionary - you can't assign a new dictionary but you can update the key/value pairs inside it. For example to set a variable "MyDatabaseRef" to "Database123" use

$deployOptions.SqlCommandVariableValues.Add("MyDatabaseRef", "Database123");

The API reference is here.

I have another code snippet to share in relation to this, a method of processing multiple variables from a Powershell script argument;

param([hashtable] $SqlCmdVar)$deployOptions = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.DacDeployOptions# Process the Sql Command Variables#if ($SqlCmdVar -ne $null){    foreach($key in $SqlCmdVar.keys)    {        Write-Verbose -Message "Adding Sql Command Variable ""$key""..."        $deployOptions.SqlCommandVariableValues.Add($key,$SqlCmdVar[$key])    }}

You would call the script like this;

myscript.ps1 -SqlCmdVar @{ variable1 = "my first value"; variable2 = "my second value"; variableetc = "more values"}