PSCmdlet dynamic auto complete a parameter (like Get-Process) PSCmdlet dynamic auto complete a parameter (like Get-Process) powershell powershell

PSCmdlet dynamic auto complete a parameter (like Get-Process)

From MSDN: How to Declare Dynamic Parameters

Your Cmdlet class must implement the IDynamicParameters interface. This interface:

Provides a mechanism for a cmdlet to retrieve parameters that can be added dynamically by the Windows PowerShell runtime.


The IDynamicParameters.GetDynamicParameters() method should:

return an object that has properties and fields with parameter related attributes similar to those define in a cmdlet class or a RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary object.

If you look at this link, the author is doing this in PowerShell. He creates at runtime:

  • a new instance of ValidateSetAttribute with a runtime array of possible values
  • He then creates a RuntimeDefinedParameter onto which he assigns the ValidateSetAttribute
  • He returns a RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary containing this parameter

You can do the same in C#. Your GetDynamicParameters() method should return this RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary containing the appropriate RuntimeDefinedParameter.