PsExec Throws Error Messages, but works without any problems PsExec Throws Error Messages, but works without any problems powershell powershell

PsExec Throws Error Messages, but works without any problems

This is because PowerShell sometimes reports a NativeCommandError when a process writes to STDERR. PsExec writes the infoline

PsExec v1.98 - Execute processes remotelyCopyright (C) 2001-2010 Mark RussinovichSysinternals -

to STDERR which means it can cause this.

For more information, see these questions / answers:

redirect stderr to null worked best for me. see below link

Error when calling 3rd party executable from Powershell when using an IDE

Here's the relevant section from that link:

To avoid this you can redirect stderr to null e.g.:

du 2> $nullEssentially the console host and ISE (as well as remoting) treat the stderr stream differently. On the console host it was important for PowerShell to support applications like to work along with other applications that write colored output and errors to the screen. If the I/O stream is not redirected on console host, PowerShell gives the native EXE a console handle to write to directly. This bypasses PowerShell so PowerShell can't see that there are errors written so it can't report the error via $error or by writing to PowerShell's stderr stream.ISE and remoting don't need to support this scenario so they do see the errors on stderr and subsequently write the error and update $error.

.\PsExec.exe \$hostname -u $script:userName -p $script:password /accepteula -h cmd /c $powerShellArgs 2> $null

I have created a psexec wrapper for powershell, which may be helpful to people browsing this question:

function Return-CommandResultsUsingPsexec {    param(        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $command_str,        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $remote_computer,        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $psexec_path,        [switch] $include_blank_lines    )    begin {        $remote_computer_regex_escaped = [regex]::Escape($remote_computer)        # $ps_exec_header = "`r`nPsExec v2.2 - Execute processes remotely`r`nCopyright (C) 2001-2016 Mark Russinovich`r`nSysinternals -`r`n"        $ps_exec_regex_headers_array = @(            '^\s*PsExec v\d+(?:\.\d+)? - Execute processes remotely\s*$',            '^\s*Copyright \(C\) \d{4}(?:-\d{4})? Mark Russinovich\s*$',            '^\s*Sysinternals - www\.sysinternals\.com\s*$'        )        $ps_exec_regex_info_array = @(            ('^\s*Connecting to ' + $remote_computer_regex_escaped + '\.{3}\s*$'),            ('^\s*Starting PSEXESVC service on ' + $remote_computer_regex_escaped + '\.{3}\s*$'),            ('^\s*Connecting with PsExec service on ' + $remote_computer_regex_escaped + '\.{3}\s*$'),            ('^\s*Starting .+ on ' + $remote_computer_regex_escaped + '\.{3}\s*$')        )        $bypass_regex_array = $ps_exec_regex_headers_array + $ps_exec_regex_info_array        $exit_code_regex_str = ('^.+ exited on ' + $remote_computer_regex_escaped + ' with error code (\d+)\.\s*$')        $ps_exec_args_str = ('"\\' + $remote_computer + '" ' + $command_str)    }    process {        $return_dict = @{            'std_out' = (New-Object 'system.collections.generic.list[string]');            'std_err' = (New-Object 'system.collections.generic.list[string]');            'exit_code' = $null;            'bypassed_std' = (New-Object 'system.collections.generic.list[string]');        }        $process_info = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo        $process_info.RedirectStandardError = $true        $process_info.RedirectStandardOutput = $true        $process_info.UseShellExecute = $false        $process_info.FileName = $psexec_path        $process_info.Arguments = $ps_exec_args_str        $process = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process        $process.StartInfo = $process_info        $process.Start() | Out-Null        $std_dict = [ordered] @{            'std_out' = New-Object 'system.collections.generic.list[string]';            'std_err' = New-Object 'system.collections.generic.list[string]';        }        # $stdout_str = $process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd()        while ($true) {            $line = $process.StandardOutput.ReadLine()            if ($line -eq $null) {                break            }            $std_dict['std_out'].Add($line)        }        # $stderr_str = $process.StandardError.ReadToEnd()        while ($true) {            $line = $process.StandardError.ReadLine()            if ($line -eq $null) {                break            }            $std_dict['std_err'].Add($line)        }        $process.WaitForExit()        ForEach ($std_type in $std_dict.Keys) {            ForEach ($line in $std_dict[$std_type]) {                if ((-not $include_blank_lines) -and ($line -match '^\s*$')) {                    continue                }                $do_continue = $false                ForEach ($regex_str in $bypass_regex_array) {                    if ($line -match $regex_str) {                        $return_dict['bypassed_std'].Add($line)                        $do_continue = $true                        break                    }                }                if ($do_continue) {                    continue                }                $exit_code_regex_match = [regex]::Match($line, $exit_code_regex_str)                if ($exit_code_regex_match.Success) {                    $return_dict['exit_code'] = [int] $exit_code_regex_match.Groups[1].Value                } elseif ($std_type -eq 'std_out') {                    $return_dict['std_out'].Add($line)                } elseif ($std_type -eq 'std_err') {                    $return_dict['std_err'].Add($line)                } else {                    throw 'this conditional should never be true; if so, something was coded incorrectly'                }            }        }        return $return_dict    }}