Publish to Service Fabric Cluster fails because of Test-ServiceFabricClusterConnection Publish to Service Fabric Cluster fails because of Test-ServiceFabricClusterConnection powershell powershell

Publish to Service Fabric Cluster fails because of Test-ServiceFabricClusterConnection

Set $global:clusterConnection = $clusterConnection after calling Connect-ServiceFabricCluster or call Deploy-FabricApplication.ps1 using the dot source notation.

The call to Connect-ServiceFabricCluster sets a $clusterConnection variable on the local Powershell scope, which gets lost when calling other scopes. See this post for more information.

Please check the certificate is installed correctly on your machine. I faced similar issue and installed the certificate and it worked. Also verify the store location is correctly set to


if you installed certificate on local machine else set it to StoreLocation="CurrentUser"

For me, it was changing from $clusterConnection = Connect-ServiceFabricCluster -ConnectionEndpoint $ClusterConnectionParameters.ConnectionEndpoint -ErrorAction Stop


Connect-ServiceFabricCluster -ConnectionEndpoint $ClusterConnectionParameters.ConnectionEndpoint -ErrorAction Stop