Recognize the new Windows Terminal from a PowerShell script Recognize the new Windows Terminal from a PowerShell script powershell powershell

Recognize the new Windows Terminal from a PowerShell script

Windows Terminal is still in its infancy and not much to go by to identify it but I noticed that it adds an environment variable WT_SESSION, you might try checking for that:

if ($env:WT_SESSION) {     "I am in Windows Terminal"} else {     "Nothing to see here..."}

An alternative to the other answer without dependency on environment, you can check the process parent stack for the Terminal executable:

$isTerminal = {    $p = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Process -Filter ProcessID=$PID    while ($p) {        ($p = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Process -Filter ProcessID=$($p.ParentProcessID) -ErrorAction Ignore)    }}.Invoke().Name -contains 'WindowsTerminal.exe'

This is a method I've used to determine whether I'm in conemu.