Regex Match any string powershell Regex Match any string powershell powershell powershell

Regex Match any string powershell

$a = [regex]"\[(.*)\]"$b = $a.Match("sdfqsfsf[fghfdghdfhg]dgsdfg") $b.Captures[0].value

Match everything that isn't a bracket. Create a character class that contains anything but the bracket characters:

$line -match "\[[^\[\]]+\]"

Focusing to

"I am just trying to pick up anything that could possibly be within two brackets [ ]"

I think \[.*\] is what you are looking for.

Sice [ and ] have special purposes, so you need to use \ before those characters.
.(dot) stands for any character and
* stands for any number of repetition of the previous charector.
Here, the previous character is ., so .* stands for any general string.