robocopy MAXAGE / MINAGE value with hours and minutes robocopy MAXAGE / MINAGE value with hours and minutes powershell powershell

robocopy MAXAGE / MINAGE value with hours and minutes

Why u don't use the MIR function and run the job every 60 min via task scheduler?

Another way could be: /mot: Monitors source, and runs again in M minutes if changes are detected.

My last resort (non robocopy way):

Copy-Item c:\src\*.* -filter (Get-ChildItem | Where{$_.CreationTime -ge (Get-Date).AddMinutes(-60)}) "C:\dest\"

You could that even run via task scheduler

xxcopy has better granularity in date/time.

MINAGE and MAXAGE refer to the creation date of the file.

MINLAD and MAXLAD refer to the last write time of the file.

Use a combination of both.
