Run my third-party DLL file with PowerShell Run my third-party DLL file with PowerShell powershell powershell

Run my third-party DLL file with PowerShell

Yes, you can:

Add-Type -Path $customDll$a = new-object custom.type

You call a static method like so:


Instead of Add-Type, you can also use reflection:


(Note that even the above is calling the Reflection library and the LoadFile static method.)

Take a look at the blog post Load a Custom DLL from PowerShell. If you can interact with an object in .NET, you can probably do it in PowerShell too.

Actually the other offered solutions don't work for me, here it's an alternative that works perfectly for me:

$AssemblyPath = "C:\SomePath\SomeLIB.dll"$bytes = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($AssemblyPath)[System.Reflection.Assembly]::Load($bytes)