Scope of functions defined in modules when used in psake tasks Scope of functions defined in modules when used in psake tasks powershell powershell

Scope of functions defined in modules when used in psake tasks

I created a script module test-module.psm1:

function Invoke-Test {    Import-Module ".\somefunctions.psm1"    Import-Module ".\morefunctions.psm1"    Set-Something #This is a function defined in morefunctions.psm1}

and a couple of dummy modules, somefunctions.psm1:

function Get-Something {    'Get-Something'}

and morefunctions.psm1:

function Set-Something {    Get-Something    'Set-Something'}

If I call

Import-Module .\test-module.psm1Invoke-Test

then I get the error "Get-Something : The term 'Get-Something' is notrecognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operableprogram.". So it looks like a generic PowerShell issue dealing with scriptmodules. I tried PowerShell v2.0, v3.0, and v4.0.

Perhaps this cannot be resolved in psake without workarounds because it is a scriptmodule. You can use the similar toolInvoke-Build. It is implementedas a script and avoids issues like these. It works finewith this build script:

Task Invoke-Deploy {    Import-Module ".\somefunctions.psm1"    Import-Module ".\morefunctions.psm1"    Set-Something #This is a function defined in morefunctions.psm1}

It outputs, as expected:

Build Invoke-Deploy ...\.build.ps1Task /Invoke-DeployGet-SomethingSet-SomethingDone /Invoke-Deploy 00:00:00.0150008Build succeeded. 1 tasks, 0 errors, 0 warnings 00:00:00.1450083

I ran into this today and got it to work.

In your module "morefunctions.psm1" you need to export the method you want like this:

 Export-ModuleMember -Function Set-Something

In your psake task, you need to prepend the module name in front of the method so PowerShell can find it:

Import-Module "morefunctions.psm1"morefunctions\Set-Something