Service Fabric/Jenkins integration issue Service Fabric/Jenkins integration issue powershell powershell

Service Fabric/Jenkins integration issue

This is similar to Azure/service-fabric-issues issue 491 which was about a mismatch between the Azure Service Fabric SDK and the Service Fabric runtime.

For instance:

The 2.7 SDK will work against a version 6.0 cluster, but the task will not work on with the 2.8 SDK installed on the agent.


Service Fabric PowerShell cmdlets requires PowerShell 3.0 or higher.

Service Fabric uses Windows PowerShell scripts for creating a local development cluster and for deploying applications from Visual Studio. By default, Windows blocks these scripts from running.
To enable them, you must modify your PowerShell execution policy. Open PowerShell as an administrator and enter the following command:

Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Force -Scope CurrentUser

So: if that script is working locally, but not through a Jenkins job on a Jenkins agent, look for differences between the local execution environment (where it is working) and the Jenkins one (where it fails).
The user might not be the same and/or the runtime version might not be compatible with the SDK version.

Do you have Jeknis PowerShell Plugin installed in your system ??if so can you add your commands into the Power Shell dialog box and see if it works :)

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