Set DNS with PowerShell Set DNS with PowerShell powershell powershell

Set DNS with PowerShell

using the netsh.exe program to script changes to the network interfaces is a great way to automate configuring them. Changing DNS is simple:

# turn on DHCP assigned DNS serversnetsh int ip set address "Local Area Connection" dhcp# set a static DNS entrynetsh int ip set dns "Local Area Connection" static

A few notes:

  • You would need to change "Local Area Connection" to the name of the connection you are working with. Though this is generally the default - it may just work in your case. The DNS server address would also need to be specific to your scenario.
  • Changing IP information usually requires elevated privileges, so make sure you are running PowerShell with elevated rights - by default Windows Vista and later launch PowerShell without elevating it. You will need to right click on it and choose "Run as admin".

$DC = read-host "Please enter a primary DNS"$Internet = read-host "Please enter secondary DNS"$dns = "$DC", "$Internet"

For powershell 4:

#I know this one is sloppy, but will get the work done.Set-DnsClientServerAddress -InterfaceIndex 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20 -ServerAddresses ($DNS)#I know this one is sloppy, but will get the work done.

For Powershell 1,2 and 3.

$Interface = Get-WmiObject Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration Write-Host "$(Get-Date -format T):Registering DNS $dns for $server" -ForegroundColor Green$Interface.SetDNSServerSearchOrder($dns)

I plucked these off a script I wrote actually yesterday for a client that needed to set the DNS range for some-odd 200 Computers since the DC was failing.

If you are interested I can give you the whole script.Point of the script is to run in a domain, and set every computer' DNS in the domain.

Edit, Made a Better version of the executing part (PS4+)

This script should not show any errors, if it does something went wrong. Unlike previous script for ps4, it would always output several errors.

$ErrorActionPreference = "Continue"#Set all DNS addresses needed.write-verbose -Verbose "Set all DNS addresses needed."$DC = ""$Internet = "" #Google$WorkRouter = ""$HomeRouter = ""$Possible = ""$Possible2 = ""#Combine addresseswrite-verbose -Verbose "Combining DNS addresses."$dns = "$DC", "$Internet", "$WorkRouter", "$HomeRouter", "$Possible", "$Possible2"#Set network adapter rangeswrite-verbose -Verbose "Setting network adapter ranges."#Get Network adapterswrite-Verbose -Verbose "Now checking available network adapters."$Net = Get-NetAdapter | select ifIndex | ft -a | Out-File -FilePath C:/Netadapter.txt$Net =  "C:/Netadapter.txt"#Setting ranges to work with$Ranges = (Get-Content $Net) -creplace "ifIndex", "" -creplace "-", "" | foreach {$_.Trim()} | Where { $_ } | Sort #| out-file C:/Netadapter.txt#Execute DNS changewrite-Warning -Verbose "Now executing DNS change to all available network adapters."foreach ($range in $ranges)    {Set-DnsClientServerAddress -InterfaceIndex $range -ServerAddresses ($DNS)}write-verbose -Verbose "DNS Settings have been altered."

This answer requires Powershell 4.

  1. Run Get-DNSClientServerAddress. In the output, look for the Interface Index of the adapter you want to change. You will need this in step 2.
  2. In an elevated prompt, run Set-DNSClientServerAddress –interfaceIndex ? –ServerAddresses ("") where ? is the Interface Index of the interface you want to change DNS server address for ( is Google's DNS - always a good standby, but change this to the address of whatever DNS server you want).
  3. If you want to change the interface back to 'Obtain DNS server address automatically', in an elevated prompt, run Set-DnsClientServerAddress -InterfaceIndex ? -ResetServerAddresses (Thanks to this blog for this tip), again substituting the Interface Index you looked up in step 1 for ?.