Setting Powershell colors with hex values in profile script Setting Powershell colors with hex values in profile script powershell powershell

Setting Powershell colors with hex values in profile script

You can, but not via the $Host object. The color table is stored in the registry.

You would use the same names, but the colors would be different. That's why the default PowerShell console is blue/gray.

The correct way to do this is with the Registry

cd hkcu:/console$0 = '%systemroot%_system32_windowspowershell_v1.0_powershell.exe'ni $0 -fsp $0 ColorTable00 0x00562401sp $0 ColorTable07 0x00f0edee

With the color being


I doubt that's possible. The $Host.UI.RawUI.BackgroundColour is a System.ConsoleColor enumerator, thus there's only a finite set of colours that you could select.