Specific PowerShell Module Not Autoloading Specific PowerShell Module Not Autoloading powershell powershell

Specific PowerShell Module Not Autoloading

Try reinstalling the module to see if that makes a difference.

If that doesn't work, while it's annoying that the autoload isn't functioning, you can import the module before use and expect it to work.

Import-Module WebAdministrationGet-WebBinding

Or if you need a one-liner:

Import-Module WebAdministration; Get-WebBinding

Here's how I chose to load modules when I start up ISE each time. This gives me the option to load certain modules. I know this isn't what you asked for, but this does automatically load modules, and be sure to note how these modules are called.

Create the following file:

Path: C:\Users\<username>\Documents\WindowsPowershellFile: Microsoft.PowerShellISE_profileX.PS1

In the file, I use this code, but modify as needed:

$a = new-object -comobject wscript.shell$intAnswer = $a.popup("Connect to Office 365?",0,"Office 365",4)if ($intAnswer -eq 6){    #YES - Go to Cloud         #$a.popup("You answered yes.")    Set-Location H:\sandbox    #.  .\Start3.ps1    . .\Auto-Connector.ps1    . .\Refresh-PSSession.ps1    . .\ScriptLoaders.ps1    . .\ESDSCRIPTS3.ps1}else{    Set-Location H:\sandbox    Import-Module ActiveDirectory}