strange behaviour calling method of wcf from powershell using new-webproxyservice strange behaviour calling method of wcf from powershell using new-webproxyservice powershell powershell

strange behaviour calling method of wcf from powershell using new-webproxyservice

Experimenting with your answer, and then finally discover this answer, it seems all your problems will go away if you simply add [XmlSerializerFormat] to the operation contract, and the method signature will return to normal. At least my problems did when testing against a 2.0 .Net framework and powershell.

finally I've discovered this:

PS C:\ps> [int]$int = 0PS C:\ps> $bool = $truePS C:\ps> $a.DictionaryLength([ref]$int, [ref]$bool)PS C:\ps> $int61

I've build a solution with .net 2.0 (powershell native framework) for a client application to consume my wfc (.net 4.0)and the definition for method DictionaryLegth() was:

void myservice.DictionaryLength(out int DictyionaryLengthResult, out bool DictonaryLengthSpecified)