Testing to see if a scheduled task exist in powershell Testing to see if a scheduled task exist in powershell powershell powershell

Testing to see if a scheduled task exist in powershell

In order to prevent errors with Get-ScheduledTask in case the task doesn't exist - you might want to consider doing :

$taskName = "FireFoxMaint"$taskExists = Get-ScheduledTask | Where-Object {$_.TaskName -like $taskName }if($taskExists) {   # Do whatever } else {   # Do whatever}

Try this one:

Get-ScheduledTask -TaskName "Task Name" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -OutVariable taskif (!$task) {    # task does not exist, otherwise $task contains the task object}

When used in a double-quoted string, variable evaluation will stop at punctuation. You can use $() to denote a subexpression within a string, like this:

"TASK: $($task.name)"

PowerShell will then evaluate the expression inside the parentheses and expand the string with the outcome