Troubleshooting ssh login failure for AWS EC2 using powershell Troubleshooting ssh login failure for AWS EC2 using powershell powershell powershell

Troubleshooting ssh login failure for AWS EC2 using powershell

Initial troubleshooting:

  1. My very initial thought was that it could be control M characters in .pem file OR in private key. But when checked key looked fine.
  2. Then I thought it could be inbound rule issue, that we are NOT allowed to do ssh to aws server but NO I was wrong when I checked configuration of server I found it was fine and 22 port was there for ssh.
  3. Then I thought if .pem file has proper permissions or not I checked and yes it was having read permissions on all users(whoever has had access to it).

Obviously nothing of above worked; enough talks so coming now to actual solution now :)

ACTUAL FIX with complete steps:

  • Since I am using Windows 10 O.S in my P.C so I have thought to go for any other medium to do ssh, hence I tried SSH with powershell as follows.
PS E:\test> ssh -i "aws_key_generator.pem"
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @WARNING: UNPROTECTED PRIVATE KEY FILE! @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Permissions for 'aws_key_generator.pem' are too open.It is required that your private key files are NOT accessible by others.This private key will be ignored.Load key "aws_key_generator.pem": bad permission
  • Above has given me lot of confidence and shown path to me what to do next. I immediately checked permissions of file again (which was READ and verified as mentioned in my initial troubleshooting column above). Then I saw that other groups are present in permissions and then I removed inheritance by going to "Right click on .pem file"-->"Properties"-->"Security"-->"Advance" and disabled “Inheritance” from there.
  • Then I only kept "admin" group with READ ONLY permissions to it and saved the properties of file.
  • Again I tried to SSH from PUTTY(using private key file generated from PuttyGen mentioned in problem statement) but it failed.
  • But when I tried from powershell command(which used .pem file) it had been successful login now.
  • Then I su as root and went to /home/ubuntu/.ssh directory and checked authorized_keys file and couldn’t see PUBLIC key inside it.
  • So I added Public key generated by PuttyGen to "authorized_keys" and saved it.
  • Again I tried to login to server by Putty with passing private key to it and I was successfully able to login now BINGO :)

I have fixed issue with this work around fix and thought to share with all here; other solutions are welcomed too, cheers and Happy learning.

It appears that you are logging into an Ubuntu server.

For that, the username should be ubuntu, not ec2-user.