Unable to filter collection of objects to select only those with latest date Unable to filter collection of objects to select only those with latest date powershell powershell

Unable to filter collection of objects to select only those with latest date

Group the files by their full name, then select the most recent file from each group:

$restoreItems | Group-Object FullName | ForEach-Object {    $_.Group | Sort-Object DeletedDate | Select-Object -Last 1}

This assumes that the timestamp is a DateTime object. Should it actually be a string you need to parse it to a DateTime object first, as LotPings pointed out in the comments, otherwise the sort order won't be correct.

I'm guessing $items is a PowerShell Object and the blurred out information contains the same strings. You could try:

$items | Sort-Object -Property DeletedDate,Name -Unique 

If the order is not right, try

$items | Sort-Object -Property DeletedDate,Name -Unique -Descending

Basically you just need to sort on two properties, and then select the unique values.