Use PowerShell to enumerate Linux SMB shares Use PowerShell to enumerate Linux SMB shares powershell powershell

Use PowerShell to enumerate Linux SMB shares

The "W" in WMI stands for "Windows," and while SAMBA does a half-decent job at getting server message block (SMB) working, it does not implement WMI on Linux. Not the same interface/protocol unfortunately.

If you want to view SAMBA shares from windows, use NET VIEW \\ where is the IP of your Unix box.

No.. There is a wmiclient package available for Linux. Using that we can communicate Windows from Linux.

The RPC server is unavailable: We have to start RPC related services and WMI service in Windows machine.

The answer is NO - Linux does not have a WMI service.

Get-WMIObject only works against Windows systems (until someone in the Linux community implements WMI!)