Using Pester to test a PowerShell module, my mocked function doesnt return a value Using Pester to test a PowerShell module, my mocked function doesnt return a value powershell powershell

Using Pester to test a PowerShell module, my mocked function doesnt return a value

How about casting to System.IO.DirectoryInfo

Get-HighestBuildNumber -buildRoot "C:\my\test\directory" | Should Be @([System.IO.DirectoryInfo]"12348")

or using the "Name" property

return $fakeListingOfDirectories.Name


I'm not at a machine where I can test this, but the Mock {} scriptblock is likely not in the same scope as the Describe {} scriptblock. I would rewrite your Describe{} block like this:

Describe "Get-HighestBuildNumber" {    Context "Get-ChildItem mocked to returns 12345, 12346, 12348, Foobar12349" {        Mock -ModuleName EnvironmentSetup Get-ChildItem {             @(                 "12345","12346","12348","Foobar12349" |                     % { New-Object System.IO.DirectoryInfo($_) }            )        }        it "should return 12348" {            Get-HighestBuildNumber -buildRoot "C:\my\test\directory" | Should Be "12348"        }    }}