Using Powershell "where" command to compare against Array of values Using Powershell "where" command to compare against Array of values powershell powershell

Using Powershell "where" command to compare against Array of values

Try -notcontains

where ({ $ExcludeVerA -notcontains $_.Version })

so if I understand it corretly, then

$ExcludeVerA = "7", "3", "4"$java = Get-WmiObject -Class win32_product | where { $_.Name -like "*Java*"} |where ({ $ExcludeVerA -notcontains $_.Version })

That was direct answer to your question. Possible solution might be something like this:

$ExcludeVerA = "^(7|3|4)\."$java = Get-WmiObject -Class win32_product |           where { $_.Name -like "*Java*"} |          where { $_.Version -notmatch $ExcludeVerA}

it uses regex to get job done.

Try this:

Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product -Filter "Name LIKE '%Java%'" | Where-Object {$_.Version -notmatch '[734]'}