Using sql query on ssis server sql job using powershell Using sql query on ssis server sql job using powershell powershell powershell

Using sql query on ssis server sql job using powershell

I didn't work with the SSIS server. But the principle of running SQL queries from SQL is pretty simple.

You should have proper module or you can use snapin of SQL.

I will continue from the second one.

# If you have an SQL server on your server, so this is the possible path where they can be.$PossiblePaths = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server','C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server'# Lets check where we have PSProvider.dll and PSSnapins.dll$PossiblePaths | ForEach-Object {    Test-Path -Path $_    {        $SQLPSProvider = (Get-ChildItem -Filter "Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.PSProvider.dll" -Path $_ -Recurse).FullName        $SQLPSSnapIn = (Get-ChildItem -Filter "Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.PSSnapins.dll" -Path $_ -Recurse).FullName    }}# Lets find Install Utility to add them with it.$InstallUtil = (Get-ChildItem -Filter "InstallUtil.exe" -Path "$env:windir\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0*" -Recurse).FullNameif (($null -eq $SQLPSProvider) -or ($null -eq $SQLPSSnapIn)){    Write-Host "Sorry, SQL PowerShell SnapIn or PowerShell Provider not found." -ForegroundColor Red}else{    # Adding them to our system.    Start-Process -FilePath $InstallUtil -ArgumentList "-i $SQLPSProvider"    Start-Process -FilePath $InstallUtil -ArgumentList "-i $SQLPSSnapIn"}# Now they should be in the system and we can add them to our PowerShell session.Add-PSSnapin -Name SqlServerCmdletSnapin100Add-PSSnapin -Name SqlServerProviderSnapin100# Now we should have Invoke-Sqlcmd like if we had SQLServer module.$SQLServer = "SQL2012"$SQLInstance = "JustForExample"$ServerInstance = $SQLServer + '\' + $SQLInstance# So you typing query for example like attaching DB.$Query = "CREATE DATABASE ExamleDB ON (FILENAME = `'C:\DBs\ExamleDB.mdf`'), (FILENAME = `'C:\DBs\ExamleDB_log.ldf`') FOR ATTACH"# And then executing it with Invoke-Sqlcmd like that.Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $ServerInstance -Username 'sa' -Password 'Abcde12345' -Query "Query"