Visual Studio Build Agent scripted setup Visual Studio Build Agent scripted setup powershell powershell

Visual Studio Build Agent scripted setup

Did you try passing --help to the Config.cmd

There are a number of examples below is a snippet of the examples:

Unattended configure and unconfigure examples:

Remember to check return code when using unattended configuration

Unattend configuration for VSTS with PAT authentication

Win  : .\config.cmd --unattended --url --auth PAT --token <token> --pool default --agent myagentUnix : ./ --unattended --acceptteeeula --url --auth PAT --token <token> --pool default --agent myagent

Unattended configuration for on-premise TFS with integrated (Windows) and (Linux/OSX) negotiate authentication

Win  : .\config.cmd --unattended --url http://mylocaltfsserver:8080/tfs --auth Integrated --pool default --agent myagentUnix : ./ --unattended --acceptteeeula --url http://mylocaltfsserver:8080/tfs --auth Negotiate --username DOMAIN\USER_NAME --password MyPassword --pool default --agent myagent