What is a method for checking where an Azure Automation runbook (PowerShell) is running? What is a method for checking where an Azure Automation runbook (PowerShell) is running? powershell powershell

What is a method for checking where an Azure Automation runbook (PowerShell) is running?

You could test using $PSPrivateMetadata

  begin {        if ($null -eq $PSPrivateMetadata) {            throw "This command can only be run within the context of an Azure Automation Runbook Worker"        }    }

I had the exact same problem and did not get it to work.Ended up with another solution, I´m just running this at the top of my runbook, or directly after my param list if you have input parameters.

$checkHybridWorker = hostnameif ($checkHybridWorker -ne "myhybridworkerhostname"){        Write-Warning "Job must be started from Hybrid worker, exiting."        Exit 1}

Not pretty but it works fine.