Why does Powershell file concatenation convert UTF8 to UTF16? Why does Powershell file concatenation convert UTF8 to UTF16? powershell powershell

Why does Powershell file concatenation convert UTF8 to UTF16?

The Out-* cmdlets (like Out-File) format the data, and the default format is unicode.

You can add an -Encoding parameter to Out-file:

Get-Content $metadataPath$iFile | Out-File $cFile -Encoding UTF8 -append

or switch to Add-Content, which doesn't re-format

Get-Content $metadataPath$iFile | Add-Content $cFile 

First, the fact that you get 2 bytes per character indicates that fixed length UTF16 is being used. More accurately, it is called UCS-2. This article explains that file redirection in Powershell causes the output to be in UCS-2. See http://www.kongsli.net/nblog/2012/04/20/powershell-gotchas-redirect-to-file-encodes-in-unicode/. That same article also provides a fix.