Why does using an ArrayList prints numbers? Why does using an ArrayList prints numbers? powershell powershell

Why does using an ArrayList prints numbers?

The ArrayList.Add method always returns the index of the new item that you add:

PS > $ArrayList = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayListPS > $ArrayList.Add('a')0PS > $ArrayList.Add('b')1PS >

You can suppress this output by either casting to [void]:

PS > $ArrayList = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayListPS > [void]$ArrayList.Add('a')PS >

or by redirecting the output to $null:

PS > $ArrayList = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayListPS > $ArrayList.Add('a') > $nullPS > 

ArrayList.Add() returns the index at which the value was added. Get rid of this output by redirecting to $null or casting to [void].

$ArrayList.Add($subString) > $null

