WinRM cannot process the request - fails only over a specific domain WinRM cannot process the request - fails only over a specific domain powershell powershell

WinRM cannot process the request - fails only over a specific domain

Run these commands on the client machine, then try to reach a remote host:

First we need to check TrustedHosts on the client machine:

PS C:\> WinRM get winrm/config/clientClient    NetworkDelayms = 5000    URLPrefix = wsman    AllowUnencrypted = false    Auth        Basic = true        Digest = true        Kerberos = true        Negotiate = true        Certificate = true        CredSSP = false    DefaultPorts        HTTP = 5985        HTTPS = 5986    TrustedHosts

If it's empty as in the example, run the command below on the client machine:

PS C:> Set-item wsman:localhost\client\trustedhosts -value *

This will write * in TrustedHosts parameter which will allow client machine to connect to any host, or you can configure this value with ip and/or hostname of the target server.

PS C:\> WinRM get winrm/config/clientClient    NetworkDelayms = 5000    URLPrefix = wsman    AllowUnencrypted = false    Auth        Basic = true        Digest = true        Kerberos = true        Negotiate = true        Certificate = true        CredSSP = false    DefaultPorts        HTTP = 5985        HTTPS = 5986    TrustedHosts = *