WPF and Powershell - Handling events WPF and Powershell - Handling events powershell powershell

WPF and Powershell - Handling events

Late to the party (by over 4 years). Specifically addressing jpierson's comment.

But in case anyone finds this post, as I did, via Googling PowerShell WPF event handling, wanting to obtain the Sender control (sender) & Event Args (e), here's how...

C# version (non-specific template)

private void Handler(object sender, SomeEventArgs e){  //do something with sender and/or e...}

PowerShell version

$WPFControl.Add_Handler({  $sender = $args[0]  $e      = $args[1]  #do something with sender and/or e...})

And onto a specific MouseWheelHandler event handler

C# version (where the MouseWheelHandler event has been bound to a control)

private void ScrollViewer_PreviewMouseWheel(object sender, MouseWheelEventArgs e){  ScrollViewer scv = (ScrollViewer)sender;  //do something with sender and/or e...}

PowerShell version

$ScrollViewer.Add_PreviewMouseWheel({  $sender = [System.Windows.Controls.ScrollViewer]$args[0]  $e      = [System.Windows.Input.MouseWheelEventArgs]$args[1]  #do something with sender and/or e...})

In PowerShell, to get the types of sender and event args, use the following

$ScrollViewer.Add_PreviewMouseWheel({  Write-Host $args[0]  Write-Host $args[1]})

which (in the above example) will give you...


Considering WPF and PowerShell, have a look at WPF Linkcollection for PowerShell from Bernd. You will find many interesting links that will help you.

Considering your problem, just use pattern

$control.Add_<someevent>({ what to do })

For example, someevent could be Click for a Button:

$button.Add_Click({ $global:clicked = $true })

You pass in a scriptblock that handles the event.

ok, it's a long shot because this post is from 2015, but i tried and it's not working for me.It doesn't rise an error but i don't have access to sender properties

Get-Variable -Name Ctrl_* -ValueOnly | Where-Object {$_.Name -match '^btn_[^_]+_Nav_(Previous|Next)$'} | ForEach-Object {    $_.Add_Click({        $sender = [System.Windows.Controls.Button]$args[0]        $sender.Name    })}

I try to make a generic navigation system for an hmi

Best Regards,Richard