Always run a constant number of subprocesses in parallel Always run a constant number of subprocesses in parallel python-3.x python-3.x

Always run a constant number of subprocesses in parallel

Taking a different approach from the above - as it seems that the callback can't be sent as a parameter:

NextURLNo = 0MaxProcesses = 20MaxUrls = 100000  # Note this would be better to be len(urllist)Processes = []def StartNew():   """ Start a new subprocess if there is work to do """   global NextURLNo   global Processes   if NextURLNo < MaxUrls:      proc = subprocess.Popen(['python', '', urllist[NextURLNo], OnExit])      print ("Started to Process %s", urllist[NextURLNo])      NextURLNo += 1      Processes.append(proc)def CheckRunning():   """ Check any running processes and start new ones if there are spare slots."""   global Processes   global NextURLNo   for p in range(len(Processes):0:-1): # Check the processes in reverse order      if Processes[p].poll() is not None: # If the process hasn't finished will return None         del Processes[p] # Remove from list - this is why we needed reverse order   while (len(Processes) < MaxProcesses) and (NextURLNo < MaxUrls): # More to do and some spare slots      StartNew()if __name__ == "__main__":   CheckRunning() # This will start the max processes running   while (len(Processes) > 0): # Some thing still going on.      time.sleep(0.1) # You may wish to change the time for this      CheckRunning()   print ("Done!")

Just keep count as you start them and use a callback from each subprocess to start a new one if there are any url list entries to process.

e.g. Assuming that your sub-process calls the OnExit method passed to it as it ends:

NextURLNo = 0MaxProcesses = 20NoSubProcess = 0MaxUrls = 100000def StartNew():   """ Start a new subprocess if there is work to do """   global NextURLNo   global NoSubProcess   if NextURLNo < MaxUrls:      subprocess.Popen(['python', '', urllist[NextURLNo], OnExit])      print "Started to Process", urllist[NextURLNo]      NextURLNo += 1      NoSubProcess += 1def OnExit():   NoSubProcess -= 1if __name__ == "__main__":   for n in range(MaxProcesses):      StartNew()   while (NoSubProcess > 0):      time.sleep(1)      if (NextURLNo < MaxUrls):         for n in range(NoSubProcess,MaxProcesses):             StartNew()

To keep constant number of concurrent requests, you could use a thread pool:

#!/usr/bin/env pythonfrom multiprocessing.dummy import Pooldef process_url(url):    # ... handle a single urlurllist = [url1, url2, url3, .. , url100000]for _ in Pool(20).imap_unordered(process_url, urllist):    pass

To run processes instead of threads, remove .dummy from the import.