AttributeError: module 'html.parser' has no attribute 'HTMLParseError' AttributeError: module 'html.parser' has no attribute 'HTMLParseError' python-3.x python-3.x

AttributeError: module 'html.parser' has no attribute 'HTMLParseError'

As you can read here this error is raised...

because HTMLParseError is deprecated from Python 3.3 onwards and removed in Python 3.5.

What you can do is downgrade your Python version or upgrade your Django version.

I've just got the same error here. The Django version installed on my machine was 1.7.

Upgrading to Django 1.8.* solved the problem for me.

You can upgrade your Django using following command:

If you are using pip3:

sudo pip3 install django --upgrade

If pip:

sudo pip install django --upgrade