Efficient elementwise argmin of matrix-vector difference Efficient elementwise argmin of matrix-vector difference python-3.x python-3.x

Efficient elementwise argmin of matrix-vector difference

Inspired by this post, we can leverage np.searchsorted -

def find_closest(a, v):    sidx = v.argsort()    v_s = v[sidx]    idx = np.searchsorted(v_s, a)    idx[idx==len(v)] = len(v)-1    idx0 = (idx-1).clip(min=0)        m = np.abs(a-v_s[idx]) >= np.abs(v_s[idx0]-a)    m[idx==0] = 0    idx[m] -= 1    out = sidx[idx]    return out

Some more perf. boost with numexpr on large datasets :

import numexpr as nedef find_closest_v2(a, v):    sidx = v.argsort()    v_s = v[sidx]    idx = np.searchsorted(v_s, a)    idx[idx==len(v)] = len(v)-1    idx0 = (idx-1).clip(min=0)        p1 = v_s[idx]    p2 = v_s[idx0]    m = ne.evaluate('(idx!=0) & (abs(a-p1) >= abs(p2-a))', {'p1':p1, 'p2':p2, 'idx':idx})    idx[m] -= 1    out = sidx[idx]    return out


Setup :

N,M = 500,100000a = np.random.rand(N,M)v = np.random.rand(N)In [22]: %timeit find_closest_v2(a, v)4.35 s ± 21.1 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)In [23]: %timeit find_closest(a, v)4.69 s ± 173 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)