Format a number with commas to separate thousands in Python Format a number with commas to separate thousands in Python python-3.x python-3.x

Format a number with commas to separate thousands in Python

To make all your floats show comma separators by default in pandas versions 0.23 through 0.25 set the following:

pd.options.display.float_format = '{:,}'.format

In pandas version 1.0 this leads to some strange formatting in some cases.

You can use apply() to get the desired result. This works with floating too

import pandas as pdseries1 = pd.Series({'Value': 353254})series2 = pd.Series({'Value': 54464.43})series3 = pd.Series({'Value': 6381763761})df = pd.DataFrame([series1, series2, series3])print(df.head())         Value0  3.532540e+051  5.446443e+042  6.381764e+09df['Value'] = df.apply(lambda x: "{:,}".format(x['Value']), axis=1)print(df.head())             Value0        353,254.01        54,464.432  6,381,763,761.0

df.head().style.format("{:,.0f}") (for all columns)

df.head().style.format({"col1": "{:,.0f}", "col2": "{:,.0f}"}) (per column)