How can I convert a python urandom to a string? How can I convert a python urandom to a string? python-3.x python-3.x

How can I convert a python urandom to a string?

The code below will work on both Python 2.7 and 3:

from base64 import b64encodefrom os import urandomrandom_bytes = urandom(64)token = b64encode(random_bytes).decode('utf-8')

You have random bytes; I'd be very surprised if that ever was decodable to a string.

If you have to have a unicode string, decode from Latin-1:


because it maps bytes one-on-one to corresponding Unicode code points.

You can use base-64 encoding. In this case:

a = os.urandom(64)a.encode('base-64')

Also note that I'm using encode here rather than decode, as decode is trying to take it from whatever format you specify into unicode. So in your example, you're treating the random bytes as if they form a valid utf-8 string, which is rarely going to be the case with random bytes.