IPython and Jupyter autocomplete not working IPython and Jupyter autocomplete not working python-3.x python-3.x

IPython and Jupyter autocomplete not working

A possible reason a user may believe that autocomplete is not working may be that autocomplete is just taking too long. Circa 2020-11-27 this is particularly true for Pandas when operating with jedi in a Jupiter notebook environment.

The issue can be solved by using the following magic which deactivates jedi

%config Completer.use_jedi = False

For a deeper discussion follow the this thread and the links therein.

the current Ipython with the Jupyter notebook doesn't require jedi.. So you have to just uninstall it with the following command.

pip uninstall jedi --yes

Seems like installing a specific version of jedi worked for me:

!pip install --upgrade jedi==0.17.2