Line Chart with Custom Confidence Interval in Altair Line Chart with Custom Confidence Interval in Altair python-3.x python-3.x

Line Chart with Custom Confidence Interval in Altair

You can layer a line and an area chart, usng the y and y2 encodings to specify the range:

import altair as altimport pandas as pdimport numpy as npx = np.random.normal(100,5,100)epsilon = 10data = pd.DataFrame({    'x': x,    'lower': x - epsilon,    'upper': x + epsilon}).reset_index()line = alt.Chart(data).mark_line().encode(    x='index',    y='x')band = alt.Chart(data).mark_area(    opacity=0.5).encode(    x='index',    y='lower',    y2='upper')band + line

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