Modifying a cooldown decorator to work for methods instead of functions Modifying a cooldown decorator to work for methods instead of functions python-3.x python-3.x

Modifying a cooldown decorator to work for methods instead of functions

You can override your class's __get__ method to make it a descriptor. The __get__ method will be called when someone gets the decorated method from within its containing object, and is passed the containing object, which you will then be able to pass to the original method. It returns an object which implements the functionality you need.

def __get__(self, obj, objtype):    return Wrapper(self, obj)

The Wrapper object implements __call__, and any properties you want, so move those implementations into that object. It would look like:

class Wrapper:    def __init__(self, cdfunc, obj):        self.cdfunc = cdfunc        self.obj = obj    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):        #do stuff...        self.cdfunc._func(self.obj, *args, **kwargs)    @property    def remaining(self):        #...get needed things from self.cdfunc

Fixing the issue interjay addressed, I did a quick re-write of your cooldown decorator, which now works for all kinds of functions/methods:

class cooldown(object):    def __init__(self, duration):        self._duration = duration        self._storage = self        self._start_time = 0    def __getRemaining(self):        if not hasattr(self._storage, "_start_time"):            self._storage._start_time = 0        return self._duration - (time.time() -                                 self._storage._start_time)    def __setRemaining(self, value):        self._storage._start_time = time.time() - (self._duration -                                                   value)    remaining = property(__getRemaining, __setRemaining)    def __call__(self, func):        is_method = inspect.getargspec(func).args[0] == 'self'        def call_if(*args, **kwargs):            if is_method :                self._storage = args[0]            else:                self._storage = self            if self.remaining <= 0:                self.remaining = self._duration                return func(*args, **kwargs)        call_if.setRemaining = self.__setRemaining        call_if.getRemaining = self.__getRemaining        return call_if


@cooldown(2)def foo(stuff):    print("foo: %s" % stuff)foo(1)foo(2)time.sleep(3)foo(3)foo.setRemaining(0)foo(4)class Bla(object):    @cooldown(2)    def bar(self, stuff):        print("bar: %s" % stuff)bla = Bla()


foo: 1foo: 3foo: 4bar: 1bar: 2bar: 3

EDIT: I altered the code so it works independently for multiple instances by putting it's storage into the invoked function's self argument. Please note that this purely relies on the first argument being named "self", but you can search for a more robust way of detecting if a decorated callable is a method or a function if you need more security here.

EDIT2: This might has a bug if you do and then try to do Since the context didn't get switched, this would set the remaining value for instance1. Could be fixed by making the setters and getters bound methods to the context, but this is getting messy. I will stop here for now

This decorator works both with functions and methods, supports remaining property and is implemented as a single class.

import timeclass cooldown:    def __init__(self, timeout):        self.timeout = timeout        self.calltime = time.time() - timeout        self.func = None        self.obj = None    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):        if self.func is None:            self.func = args[0]            return self        now = time.time()        if now - self.calltime >= self.timeout:            self.calltime = now            if self.obj is None:                return self.func.__call__(*args, **kwargs)            else:                return self.func.__get__(self.obj, self.objtype)(*args, **kwargs)    def __get__(self, obj, objtype):        self.obj = obj        self.objtype = objtype        return self    @property    def remaining(self):        now = time.time()        delta = now - self.calltime        if delta >= self.timeout:            return 0        return self.timeout - delta    @remaining.setter    def remaining(self, value):        self.calltime = time.time() - self.timeout + value
# test with functions@cooldown(8)def test(*args):    print('Function', *args)>>> test()Function>>> test()>>> test.remaining4.718205213546753>>> test.remaining = 0>>> test()Function
# test with methodsclass A:    def __init__(self, value):        self.value = value    @cooldown(5)    def a(self, *args):        print('Method', self.value, *args)>>> a = A(7)>>> a.a()Method 7>>> a.a()>>> a.a.remaining3.589237892348223>>> a.a.remaining = 10>>> a.a(32)>>> a.a.remaining8.423482288923785>>> a.a.remaining = 0>>> a.a(32)Method 7 32