Module Not found during import in Jupyter Notebook Module Not found during import in Jupyter Notebook python-3.x python-3.x

Module Not found during import in Jupyter Notebook

I'm pretty sure this issue is related and the answer there will help you:

tl;dr the cwd of the notebook server is always the base path where you started the server, no matter was running import os os.getcwd() says. Use import sys sys.path.append("/path/to/your/module/folder").

I ran it with some dummy modules in the same structure as you had specified, and before modifying sys.path it wouldn't run and after it would

two lines of code will solve this,

#list the current work diros.getcwd()#change the current work diros.chdir()

change the path, and import module, have fun.

if you face module not found on jupyter environment you had to install it on jupyter environment instead of installing it on command prompt

by this command(for windows) on jupyter

!pip install module name

after that you can easily import and use it.Whenever you want to tell jupyter that this is system command you should put ( ! ) before your command.