Number of lines in csv.DictReader Number of lines in csv.DictReader python-3.x python-3.x

Number of lines in csv.DictReader

rows = list(myreader)totalrows = len(rows)for i, row in enumerate(rows):    print("Row %d/%d" % (i+1, totalrows))

You only need to open the file once:

import csvf = open('myFile.csv', 'rb')countrdr = csv.DictReader(f)totalrows = 0for row in countrdr:  totalrows +=  # You may not have to do this, I didn't check to see if DictReader didmyreader = csv.DictReader(f)for row in myreader:  do_work

No matter what you do you have to make two passes (well, if your records are a fixed length - which is unlikely - you could just get the file size and divide, but lets presume that isn't the case). Opening the file again really doesn't cost you much, but you can avoid it as illustrated here. Converting to a list just to use len() is potentially going to waste tons of memory, and not be any faster.

Note: The 'Pythonic' way is to use enumerate instead of +=, but the UNPACK_TUPLE opcode is so expensive that it makes enumerate slower than incrementing a local. That being said, it's likely an unnecessary micro-optimization that you should probably avoid.

More Notes: If you really just want to generate some kind of progress indicator, it doesn't necessarily have to be record based. You can tell() on the file object in the loop and just report what % of the data you're through. It'll be a little uneven, but chances are on any file that's large enough to warrant a progress bar the deviation on record length will be lost in the noise.

I cannot find how to copy an iterator.

Closest is itertools.tee, but simply making a list of it, as @J.F.Sebastian suggests, is best here, as itertools.tee's docs explain:

This itertool may require significant auxiliary storage (depending on how much temporary data needs to be stored). In general, if one iterator uses most or all of the data before another iterator starts, it is faster to use list() instead of tee().