pip install mysqlclient failed "Running setup.py bdist_wheel for mysqlclient ... error" pip install mysqlclient failed "Running setup.py bdist_wheel for mysqlclient ... error" python-3.x python-3.x

pip install mysqlclient failed "Running setup.py bdist_wheel for mysqlclient ... error"

mysqlclient is not compatible with MySQL 8.0.11 at the time of this writing. Using MySQL v5.7.x will fix this issue (at least on macOS).

If you are getting this error:

Building wheels for collected packages: mysqlclient Running setup.py bdist_wheel for mysqlclient ... error

While installing myclient using pip then follow the below steps:

  1. Download miniconoda (small in size and contains required files)/anacondoa(all)Click to download Miniconda

  2. Install it

  3. Check the installation using commind "conda list" in cmd

  4. Run this command then, "conda install -c miniconda mysqlclient" this is alternative way to install mysqlclient

Once executed successfully then run again pip install mysqlclient , you will find that your sqlclient is already installed successfully.

Hope this will resolve your issue. still not please share the error details. Would love to help.