Python 3.6 pyodbc to SQL How to execute SP Python 3.6 pyodbc to SQL How to execute SP python-3.x python-3.x

Python 3.6 pyodbc to SQL How to execute SP

Thanks so much everyone for your comments. Finally, in a quick comment from @GordThompson I applied the changes below and that worked.

import pyodbc

conn = pyodbc.connect( 'DRIVER={SQL Server};'                       'SERVER=XXXX;'                       'DATABASE=XX;UID=XXXX;'                       'PWD=XXXX')cursor = conn.cursor()cmd_prod_executesp = """EXEC DC_SAS_EvaluationUpdate """conn.autocommit = Truecursor.execute(cmd_prod_executesp)conn.close()

Here are two examples that work for me. I'll show with parameters, because I'm guessing you'll need to know how to do that as well.

With named parameters:

cursor.execute('EXEC usp_get_user_data @name = ?, @username = ?', 'tim', 'flipperpa')

With positional parameters:

cursor.execute('EXEC usp_get_user_data ?, ?', None, 'flipperpa')

Good luck!

I think your code looking fine as you did follow the guideline from pyodbc

//SQL Server formatcursor.execute("exec sp_dosomething(123, 'abc')")//ODBC formatcursor.execute("{call sp_dosomething(123, 'abc')}")

From your comment you said you see the message

`Process finished with exit code 0'

That means that everything worked ok.If any exception/error happened in your program your program should generate an exit code with non-zero argument.

So I think your program worked fine and the SP did get executed. However, I suspect you don't see the changes take effect in your DB could be because you didn't commit() your changes after you execute your sp and before you close your connection to your DB.

so add conn.commit() like this:


EDIT:try to use the newer driver for MsSQL as well

 conn = pyodbc.connect(driver = '{SQL Server Native Client 10.0}', server = 'xxxxxx',database = 'xxxx', uid = 'xx', pwd = 'xxxx')