Python 3: send method of generators Python 3: send method of generators python-3.x python-3.x

Python 3: send method of generators

When you use send and expression yield in a generator, you're treating it as a coroutine; a separate thread of execution that can run sequentially interleaved but not in parallel with its caller.

When the caller executes R = m.send(a), it puts the object a into the generator's input slot, transfers control to the generator, and waits for a response. The generator receives object a as the result of X = yield i, and runs until it hits another yield expression e.g. Y = yield j. Then it puts j into its output slot, transfers control back to the caller, and waits until it gets resumed again. The caller receives j as the result of R = m.send(a), and runs until it hits another S = m.send(b) statement, and so on.

R = next(m) is just the same as R = m.send(None); it's putting None into the generator's input slot, so if the generator checks the result of X = yield i then X will be None.

As a metaphor, consider a dumb waiter:

Dumb waiter

When the server gets an order from a customer, they put the pad in the dumb waiter, send it to the kitchen, and wait by the hatch for the dish:

R = kitchen.send("Ham omelette, side salad")

The chef (who's been waiting by the hatch) picks up the order, prepares the dish, yields it to the restaurant, and waits for the next order:

next_order = yield [HamOmelette(), SideSalad()]

The server (who's been waiting by the hatch) takes the dish to the customer and returns with another order, etc.

Because both the server and chef wait by the hatch after sending an order or yielding a dish, there's only one person doing anything at any one time i.e. the process is single threaded. Both sides can use normal control flow, as the generator machinery (the dumb waiter) takes care of interleaving execution.

The most confusing part should be this line X = yield i, specially when you call send() on the generator. Actually the only thing you need to know is:

in the lexical level:next() is equal to send(None)

in the interpreter level:X = yield i equals to below lines(ORDER MATTERS):

yield i# won't continue until next() or send() is called# and this is also the entry point of next() or send()X = the_input_of_send

and, the 2 lines of comment is the exact reason, why we need to call send(None) for the first time, because the generator will return i (yield i) before assign the value to X

def gen():    i = 1    while True:        i += 1        x = yield i        print(x)m = gen()next(m)next(m)m.send(4)



look at more simplified codes above.
I think the thing leaded to your confusion is 'x = yield i' statment, this statment is not saying value accepted from send() method assgined to i then i assgined to x.Instead, value i is returned by yield statment to generator, x is assgined by send() method.One statement does two thing at same time.