Python Error 104, connection reset by peer Python Error 104, connection reset by peer python-3.x python-3.x

Python Error 104, connection reset by peer


sudo python3 -m pip install "requests[security]"


sudo python -m pip install "requests[security]"

to fix this issue.

I was running into this issue as well with Python2.7 requests. Installing"requests[security]" with pip brought a clear improvement for me but out of 1000 requests in rapid succession, I would still get this error 2 or 3 times.

Resolved to implementing retries as this seems to be a very temporary issue. Works like a charm now.

import timeimport requestsfrom requests.exceptions import ConnectionError# ...nb_tries = 10while True:    nb_tries -= 1    try:        # Request url        result = session.get("my_url")        break    except ConnectionError as err:        if nb_tries == 0:            raise err        else:            time.sleep(1)# ...