Python3: check if method is static Python3: check if method is static python-3.x python-3.x

Python3: check if method is static

class A:  def f(self):    return 'this is f'  @staticmethod  def g():    return 'this is g'print(type(A.__dict__['g']))print(type(A.g))<class 'staticmethod'><class 'function'>

I needed this solution and wrote the following based on the answer from @root

def is_method_static(cls, method_name):    #    for c in cls.mro():        if method_name in c.__dict__:            return isinstance(c.__dict__[method_name], staticmethod)    raise RuntimeError("Unable to find %s in %s" % (method_name, cls.__name__))

For Python 3.2 or newer, use inspect.getattr_static() to retrieve the attribute without invoking the descriptor protocol:

Retrieve attributes without triggering dynamic lookup via the descriptor protocol, __getattr__() or __getattribute__().

Use isinstance(..., staticmethod) on the result:

>>> from inspect import getattr_static>>> isinstance(getattr_static(A, 'g'), staticmethod)True

The function can handle both instances and classes, and will scan the full class hierarchy for you:

>>> class B(A): pass...>>> isinstance(getattr_static(B, 'g'), staticmethod)  # inheritedTrue>>> isinstance(getattr_static(B(), 'g'), staticmethod)  # instance, inheritedTrue