Save result of operator in Apache Airflow Save result of operator in Apache Airflow python-3.x python-3.x

Save result of operator in Apache Airflow

The way you would use get_data is in the next task can be a PythonOperator which you can then use to process the data.

get_data = BigQueryGetDataOperator(      task_id='get_data_from_bq',      dataset_id='test_dataset',      table_id='Transaction_partitions',      max_results='100',      selected_fields='DATE',      bigquery_conn_id='airflow-service-account'      )def process_data_from_bq(**kwargs):      ti = kwargs['ti']      bq_data = ti.xcom_pull(task_ids='get_data_from_bq')      # Now bq_data here would have your data in Python list      print(bq_data)process_data = PythonOperator(      task_id='process_data_from_bq',      python_callable=process_bq_data,      provide_context=True      )get_data >> process_data

PS: I am the author of BigQueryGetDataOperator and Airflow committer / PMC

The return value is saved in an Xcom. You can access it from another operator as it is shown in this example.

data = ti.xcom_pull(task_ids='get_data_from_bq')