saving an image to bytes and uploading to boto3 returning content-MD5 mismatch saving an image to bytes and uploading to boto3 returning content-MD5 mismatch python-3.x python-3.x

saving an image to bytes and uploading to boto3 returning content-MD5 mismatch

I had this same problem, and the solution was to seek to the beginning of the saved in-memory file:

out_img = BytesIO(), img_type)  # Without this line it failsself.bucket.put_object(Bucket=self.bucket_name,                       Key=key,                       Body=out_img)

The file may need to be saved and reloaded before you send it off to S3. The file pointer seek also needs to be at 0.

My problem was sending a file after reading out the first few bytes of it. Opening a file cleanly did the trick.

I found this question getting the same error trying to upload files -- two scripts clashed, one creating, the other uploading. My answer was to create using ".filename" then:


The upload script then needs to ignore . files. This ensured the file was done being created.